Baby pandas are beautiful! It’s terrible they are an endangered species. A panda comes into this world fully developed. The Learn More
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Baby pandas are beautiful! It’s terrible they are an endangered species.
A panda comes into this world fully developed. The development takes place inside the mother’s body for 95 to 160 days. Like all mammals the baby panda is fully developed and does not need to spend any time in an eggshell before it hatches!
Like human babies, panda babies depend completely on their mothers when they are born. On average, a baby panda is almost 900 times smaller than the size of its mother! A baby panda is the size of a stick of butter when born and is the smallest mammal newborn size relative to the mother’s size.
A baby panda is not mobile until it is around three months old. Even then it can’t walk and would first moves by crawling. Panda cubs are completely blind when they are born so the mother has to spend a lot of time and energy taking care of its baby to make sure he or she stays happy! The panda is an endangered species which means there aren’t as many baby pandas in the world as there should be.
Panda cubs feed on their mother’s milk almost ten times a day. It won’t be until after a year of birth, that the cub would leave nursing and start feeding on bamboo and other eatables. For seven to nine months, the baby panda would not taste anything besides Mom’s milk. Then, it would have its first taste of bamboo with assistance by its mother. Pandas eat very little except bamboo. They find it to be very yummy.