Kittens could be nature’s cutest baby animal! These adorable pets are simple to care for and make great companions.
Kittens could be nature’s cutest baby animal! These adorable pets are simple to care for and make great companions.
Female baby chickens are called pullets while males are called cockerels.
Baby chinchillas are fun little balls of fur! Did you know they don’t wash up with water? They use dust!
Like some other animals, baby cows, or calves, can stand and walk on their own very quickly after being born.
When they are born they spend their time sleeping and are awake for a very short time period throughout the day.
Baby ducks will remain under the mother’s care where they will be protected from the cold and enemy predators.
They are born blind, deaf and almost without any fur. Most of the time a baby ferret has to depend on its mother for the first four weeks for care.
A baby newborn goat is called a kid! Kind of like you! The mother goat is called a doe or a nanny while the father goat is called a billy or a buck.
Guinea pigs are domestic rodents that many people enjoy raising at home.
Hermit crabs babies go through several stages in their early life. When they are laid down in the ocean they are known as zoea. In this stage of life, they look like larvae and sometimes are eaten by fish – yikes!
Baby lizards are very independent. They can survive without their mother right after they come into this world.
They are born blind and deaf. They have bare skin the first few days after birth, and their skin is usually red.
A parrot typically hatches out of its shell completely naked and blind!
A baby pig is called a piglet! It takes 115 days for a female pig to give birth to a baby piglet. A mommy pig, known as a sow, can give birth on average to up to 12 piglets at one time!
Baby rabbits are so cute and fluffy. They don’t start this way. Actually rabbits are born hairless and look more like a rodent.
At the time of birth, a lamb usually weighs five to eight pounds.
With over 3,000 species of snake, be careful to choose the right one for a pet.
Tortoises have thicker shells than turtles. Some turtles can live in water, but tortoises do better on land. A tortoise shell is shaped like a dome, while turtle shells are more flat.
A mother turtle lays about 150 to 200 eggs each clutch and covers them with sand then returns to the ocean.