Known in Africa as antbear, anteater, earth hog or earth pig, an aardvark is a medium sized nocturnal mammal native to Africa.
Known in Africa as antbear, anteater, earth hog or earth pig, an aardvark is a medium sized nocturnal mammal native to Africa.
Alligators are reptiles which can been found in many areas across the world including the China Republic and United States of America.
Pronounced ‘eye eye’, Aye ayes come from the lemur family and are found on a small island off of Africa’s southeastern coast.
Baby elephants spend almost two years inside their mother’s womb. Typically about 33 in (or 85 cm) tall and weighing about 120 lbs, elephant calfs are fairly mature and able to stand and walk on their own at birth.
Gazelles are a type of medium-sized antelope found in Africa and Asia—as far east as Mongolia.
At birth, baby giraffes are dropped about six feet onto the ground from their Mom, imagine how scary that must be.
Newborn gorillas weigh about three to four pounds at birth and are nursed by their mothers for about two and a half years.
Little grizzly bears are born blind and without fur. At birth they weigh about a pound, but they gain weight quickly because mother’s rich milk contains 33% fat.
Hippos are semi-aquatic mammals that inhabit in rivers, mangrove swamps, and lakes. Hippos spend most of their time in water and move to land during night time.
Iguanas, like all reptiles, come from eggs. The mother iguana digs a burrow in the ground to make her nest, laying about 40 to 50 eggs at a time.
Koalas are marsupials, like kangaroos they give birth to joeys who crawl into their mom’s pouch immediately after birth..
Baby lemurs are called pups, and at the time of birth, a pup weighs about 100 grams, about the weight of a cup of water.
Baby leopards are born blind and helpless. They are small and weigh just about half a pound.
Lion cubs are the pride of their family. Lion moms have 3–6 cubs at a time!
Baby monkeys, called infants just like us, are cute and playful. They can often be found hanging on their mom’s back.
Orangutan babies have wrinkled faces, feet and hands, which are very thin. Their muscles begin to appear only after they start to climb trees.
Born blind, a baby otter is cared for by his mother, father, as well as older siblings.
Penguin parents takes turns leaving to hunt and caring for eggs. Most penguins lay two eggs at a time to increase chances of survival.
Baby polar bears are known as cubs. In the wild, they are born in the shelter of their mother’s den.
When pumas are born, they are usually born in a litter, typically one to six puma cubs in each litter.
More closely related to the weasel, racoon and skunk than the giant panda, red pandas have a beautiful color and bushy tail.
Rhinos live in Africa and South Asia and include several kinds of rhinos, like black, white, Indian, Sumatran and Javan.
Typically born one at a time, sea lion pups are mammals that rely on their moms to supply milk and safety.
Sloths have one baby per year, or less. Babies cling to their mother’s fur as an infant and are sturdy enough to survive falls.
These black and white mammals are related to horses and are as independent at birth, able to stand and walk freely almost immediately after birth.