Baby rabbits are so cute and fluffy. They don’t start this way. Actually rabbits are born hairless and look more like a rodent.
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Baby rabbits are so cute and fluffy. They don’t start this way. Actually rabbits are born hairless and look more like a rodent.
Everyone loves baby bunnies! With their soft, fuzzy fur and cute little noses, it’s hard to resist having one as a pet of your own. It is a heartwarming sight to see a group of baby bunny rabbits hopping around without a care in the world! They just love having fun. Although, surprisingly bunnies don’t start out looking like the adorable image we have in our heads and our hearts.
A newborn baby bunny is called a kit. When a kit is born it is hairless and resembles a small purple looking rodent. You would hardly know it is a bunny! When the mother rabbit gives birth to a kit, it is called kindling. Mother bunnies carry baby kits for about a month before giving birth. They will make a nest for the group of baby bunnies and one single baby bunny could have up to 20 new bunny siblings from a single litter! That’s a lot of brother and sisters to have. Could you remember all of their names?!
When a baby rabbit is born they like to wiggle around a lot. They are looking for their mom to cuddle with. Keeping warm is very important at this stage. A Dad bunny is called a Buck, and is off getting food for the kits, leaving the mommy bunny to take care of the baby rabbits. When they are born their eyes and ears will be closed and they will count on their parents to bring them food. But just after two weeks old, the baby rabbits will begin to open their eyes! They’ll now have some soft bunny fur growing in to keep them warm and make them look cute. Imagine having to wait two weeks before you had any clothes to wear!
Despite being new to the world and virtually helpless, the kits will spend all day alone with the mother bunny only returning at night to feed them. The mommy bunny does this to teach the bunnies to grow up on their own and become independent little kids and teenagers who can care for themselves. At about five weeks old they will be out and on their own into the big, beautiful world!
The kits like to eat hay and nibble on other vegetation that the mother bunny brings back to them. A well fed baby rabbit will have a slight white tint on their hairless newborn bellies. It’s only a matter of time before they are capable of eating solid foods!
At four months, the baby bunnies will have reached bunny maturity with their soft furry coats fully grown in and traits such as floppy ears and distinguished coloring on show. Now is the time for them to follow in the footsteps of their parents and start producing kits of their own.
Caring for pet Bunnies
If you are looking for an easy to take care of pet, a rabbit may not be for you. Bunny rabbits are rewarding companions when taken care of properly and require a lot of effort! Unlike some other small pets they have an average lifespan of at least 10 years in captivity. Rabbits are safest indoors in a big cage or even free to roam around your home. If you plan to take the route of having your rabbit roam free, ensure everything is rabbit proof. This means no open cords around and outlets covered at all times. Don’t leave anything out that you wouldn’t mind having a hole or two in once you need it again!
Did you know that you can train your bunny to use a litter box?! It will take practice and you can do your research on how to get these pets house trained to enjoy their company even more. When it comes to your rabbit’s diet – they like variety, just like us! Fresh fruits and veggies should always be supplied in addition to Timothy grass hay to supplement their diet.
When you get a rabbit, take him or her to the vet to ensure he or she is healthy and ready to become the next member of your family!